
I don't run, I walk. I don't eat, I dine. I don't rest, I luxuriate. I don't eat worms ,but I do eat snails.For everything I don't do, I do twice as much.

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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Nothing is too profound to think about. Most things are too shallow to say. If people did more than what they say, more things would be accomplished- peace

Friday, October 27, 2006

I'M Blind!!!

No not really!! I have just gotten a new monitor and wow, it is like the supernova of monitors. I think my retinas are scorched. Not to mention...when did I get the large print version. Wow, a few inches really do make a difference.
Well, I have been trying to make an appearance on here, but it has just been nuts at work!!
So, I have some random observations because that is all my shriveled tired brain can pump out tonight.

When people see you are struggling with something, why do others (we will call them the idiot masses) go out of their way to get in your way and make sure you are really hooped?

When you have too much to do, why do people at work volunteer you for more work?

I have noticed that I am part Ursa (that’s bear – Yogi or Bubba –Oh! Oh! I wanna be Smokie) because I feel like eating all the time and sleeping for about 6 months. We will forget about the butt plug…uhh wait a minute scratch that comment otherwise that may go a whole other direction.

My exhaustion is inextricably connected to how little patience I have which is in turn connected to how much restraint I have of telling someone to (^%(#^%@(#(@# … and have a nice day. I think that is a good balance.

Coffee mmmmmm coffee goood
Ok I think I am getting delirious…must go to bed.

P.S. Ok delirious but anal retentive…looking up ‘spell check’ and Smokie was flagged…the suggestion -skokie…what the hell is a skokie. Someone was really drunk or stoned that day. Gotta luv that Windows…

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What can I say?

I feel the need to write a blog. I just think my wittiness is not at its full force as of late. I think this fast rat race is knawing at me. Where is the happy go lucky person…oh wait! that isn’t me that was Laura on Little House on the Prairie. Hahaha !My mistake.

Anywho, what was I getting at. I guess nothing. I am at a loss for words. Wow!
I don’t have any interesting stories or viewpoints to share. Have I lost my senses?
Maybe it is time for bed. I bet I will think up something really good right when I am going to sleep and then I will be too lazy to get up and record it. I may be bigger than Plato or Aristotle … if I could just remember what I thought.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

A laugh for the day.

Just something to give a chuckle. I don't know where I picked this up, but it touched my funny bone.